One of the most common myths about autistic individuals is that they don’t feel empathy towards others. There are two interrelated types of empathy: affective or emotional empathy, which involves feeling an appropriate emotional response to another person’s emotion, and cognitive empathy, or Theory of Mind (ToM), which involves understanding or predicting another person’s perspective. The affective component of empathizing involves feeling an appropriate emotion triggered by seeing/learning of another’s emotion. When engaged in affective empathy, we vicariously experience the emotional states of others, understanding that our feelings are not ours, but rather those of the other person. Sympathy is also considered an affective component of empathy. It is the feeling or emotion triggered by seeing or learning of someone else’s distress which moves you to want to take an action that will help ease their suffering.
The cognitive or ToM component of empathy
involves the understanding and/or predicting what someone else might think,
feel, or do. It is the ability to identify cues that indicate the thoughts and
feelings of others and “to put oneself into another person’s shoes.” It is also
referred to as “mentalizing,” “mindreading,” and “perspective taking.” The
ability to reflect on one’s own and other people’s minds (beliefs, desires,
intentions, imagination and emotions) allows us to interact effectively with
others in the social world. ToM may also be thought of existing on a continuum
with some individuals able to “mindread” relatively easily and intuitively,
while others experience varying degrees of problems interpreting and predicting
another person’s behavior. Most (but not all) typical individuals are able to
mindread relatively easily and intuitively. They can read another person’s
facial expression and body language, and tone of voice and recognize his or her
thoughts and feelings, and the likely course of their behavior. In other words,
they interpret, predict, and participate in social
interaction automatically, and for the most part, intuitively. Often referred to as "mindblindness," it is this cognitive component of empathy that is delayed in autism.
Autism does not deprive someone of emotional empathy! Autistic people can and do experience feelings and emotions intensely as everyone else, even though it may not always be obvious to others in a "typical" way.
Key References and Further
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Jessica Kingsley Publishers. London and Philadelphia.
Lee A.
Wilkinson, PhD, is a
licensed and nationally certified school psychologist, and certified cognitive-behavioral therapist. He is author of the
award-winning books, A
Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism and Asperger
Syndrome in Schools and Overcoming
Anxiety and Depression on the Autism Spectrum: A Self-Help Guide Using CBT. He
is also editor of a text in the APA School Psychology Book
Series, Autism
Spectrum Disorder in Children and Adolescents: Evidence-Based Assessment and
Intervention in Schools. His latest book is A
Best Practice Guide to Assessment and Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder
in Schools (2nd Edition).